Say Goodbye to Alcohol with guaranteed results within 10 days, 100% safe and natural

Feel free to contact us via call or WhatsApp if you have any doubts. You can communicate in English, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu or Kannada 🙏

₹601 OFF NOW

On 3 Months


no side effects

No Side effects, Colour, Aroma and Taste

relief from alcohol

Permanent relief from alcohol

anti stree

Reduces Desire, anxiety, stress and fatigue

happy life

Lead Healthy & happy life

improves health

Improves health and immune system

recovers body

Detoxifies and recovers the body

You can mix this supplement in:

tiffin and chutney

Tiffins, Chutneys & Curd

rice and curries

All types of curries


All types of fruits


All types of juices

hot and cool dishes

Hot and cool dishes

water, tea amd coffee

Note: Do not use in water, tea, coffee and cool drinks

happycure ayurvedic alcohol de-addiction

Alcohol De-Addiction Medicine

Cash on Delivery Available

21 sold in last 24 Hours

Only 9 packs in stock


Happy Customers


Results within 10 to 15 Days


Ayurvedic ingredients


Organic & Veg

ayurveda doctor

Why Choose Us?

Take One Step Forward To Begin New Life...

We want everyone to live a healthier, happier life without addiction. Join us in finding a balanced way to recover and rediscover the joy in life.

We carefully make our products using only natural and Ayurvedic ingredients for your overall well-being. Say goodbye to artificial additives – no colors or flavors are added. Rest assured, our products contain zero chemicals and have undergone rigorous lab testing for quality and safety. Trusted by many and backed by proven results.

Ayurvedic medicine for alcohol de-addiction has been impressive, showing great results in just 10 to 15 days! This supplement lasts for 90 days (that's three months). It's designed to give really good and long-lasting results. Many people have successfully used this supplement, so it's got a good track record.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you don't see an answer to your question, you can send us message though whatsapp or call us. Thank you

HappyCure supplement is a natural remedy formulated using traditional Ayurvedic herbs known for their detoxifying and anti-addictive properties. It aims to support individuals in overcoming alcohol addiction.

The supplement typically contains herbs that may help in reducing cravings for alcohol, detoxifying the body, supporting liver health, and calming the mind to alleviate withdrawal symptoms.

This supplement is the only antidote to alcohol, without any side effects. other medicines or supplements can also be used while using this supplement.

It should be added to the daily food of an alcoholic without his knowledge, only once a day in the morning or afternoon or night. Tiffin, chutney, all kinds of curries, cold and hot dishes, ragi Flour can be mixed with java(ragi malt recipe). Do not mix in liquids like tea, coffee and water.

  • Only 1/2 Sachet should be given in the morning or evening for 6 days from the first day of use.
  • From 7th day only 1 Sachet should be given half in morning and half in evening or night.
  • From 14th day only 1 Sachet should be given in any time on the day until 3 months
  • The drug should be administered without the drinker knowing or telling him. Except the person who drinks alcohol, you should tell your family members and use it. It should be used as mentioned in instructions and it will be provided with the supplement.
  • Those above 65 years of age who have jaundice, cough, fatigue, fainting, heart disease should not use it.

you can see the results within 10 to 15 days.

Those above 65 years of age who have jaundice, cough, fatigue, fainting, heart disease should not use it.

other medicines or supplements can also be used while using this supplement.

Yes deffinetly. In Ayurveda's approach to alcohol de-addiction utilizing herbal powders, a holistic lifestyle shift is advocated.

Delivery depends on your location it may take 2-5 days to delivered.

Happy Customers


I blindly recommend this product for alcohol de-addiction.


I am from Andhra Pradesh, where a small bottle of alcohol costs around 300 rupees. On average, my father used to spend 10,000 rupees per month on alcohol. and this medicine cost is 1500 per month. It is working well for alcohol de-addiction. Now my father has stopped alcohol completely. And Now Im saving his health and 10000 per month. Thank you Happycure.


my husband is very addicted to alcohol and keeps drinking daily afternoon and night. There were many fights between us. After using this supplement we are very happy.


Countless women face daily domestic violence due to their husbands' alcohol abuse, and I endured this for seven years. My husband sold my gold jewelry to feed his addiction, but with the assistance of HappyDeAddiction, he's made significant progress in overcoming this habit.


I have taken my son to many treatments and used so many de-addition powders and medicines. But there is no change in my son. After I used this medicine my son completely stopped drinking alcohol.


Awsome and exellent results, I used this De-Addiction Supplement for my father.
